What Can I Plant Next to Tomatoes?

Tomatoes are one of the most popular fruits (yes, they are fruits) to be grown in home vegetable gardens. One of the many surprising things about growing vegetables that many people have to learn is that not all fruits and vegetables can get on well in the same patch.

What Can I Plant Next to Tomatoes?

But tomatoes are relatively sociable plants. So they can be grown next to a range of vegetables. These include: 

  • Basil
  • Garlic
  • Parsley
  • Asparagus
  • Chives

These are ideal for tomatoes as all of these plants work with tomatoes in cooking as well. So, when cooking your next pasta dish, you can go out to your vegetable garden and gather almost all of the ingredients you will need.

Can I plant rosemary next to tomatoes?

Although some other herbs grow well with tomatoes, rosemary is not one of them. This is because rosemary can grow to be very large. Rosemary, despite being often sold in small sprigs or as a small pot plant, can grow into large bushes.

This means that they require a good deal of space. Some suggest planting rosemary around tomatoes as they can enhance the flavor. As well as ward off insects and other creatures which would otherwise attempt to eat the tomatoes.

But this isn’t always the case. It is best to avoid growing rosemary and tomatoes near each other. In fact, it’s best to keep rosemary away from most other herbs. However, it can work well as a pest deterrent for other vegetables. Such as carrots, broccoli (this is the best option), beans, hot peppers, and cabbage.

What should not be planted next to tomatoes?

There are a few different kinds of vegetables that should keep their distance from tomatoes. The worst of which is anything within the Brassica genus (more commonly known as cruciferous vegetables). This includes broccoli, cabbage, and mustard plants.

One vegetable that should never go near tomatoes is corn. They might work well together in dishes. But corn can attract tomato fruitworm, also known as the corn earworm. These are insects that will eat and destroy tomatoes. So corn is absolutely to be avoided.

Fennel is another important one to avoid. Fennel requires a lot of space. And would overwhelm the tomato plants. Stunting their growth. In fact, fennel should be kept away from most vegetables. As it does not share space well.

What grows best next to tomatoes?

A wide range of vegetables and herbs can be grown next to tomatoes. But the vegetables which thrive best are peppers. Both sweet and hot. Peppers are related to tomatoes. And they are both within the same family.

Herbs are also great for growing next to tomatoes. As mentioned above, garlic, parsley, and basil can all be grown next to tomatoes. Not only do they not get in the way of the tomato plant, they also encourage its growth and repel bugs.

Amazingly, planting herbs next to tomatoes can help improve their flavor. So if you enjoy cooking these herbs with tomatoes, it’s definitely worth it. 

What to plant with tomatoes to keep bugs away?

As well as these herbs, marigolds are also great for planting around tomatoes. They are flowers rather than vegetables. But they will ward off unwanted insects. They also look lovely and will be a great addition to your garden.

You might not want to give up valuable vegetable space for flowers. Especially if you’re already limited on space. But planting one or two of these flowers won’t take up much space. And it will be worth it when you see your tomatoes grow big and healthy. 

These are also more natural and gentler methods of pest control. Rather than spraying your vegetables with pesticides. Which are damaging to your health, the plants, and the environment. Planting flowers and herbs which deter bugs is a much kinder way of gardening. As you won’t be killing anything in the process.

Bugs might be annoying, and they do enjoy eating away at vegetable gardens. But they are a vital part of the ecosystem. So need to be protected.

Can I plant tomatoes and cucumbers next to each other?

Tomatoes and cucumbers make great growing mates. When growing from seeds, it’s best to allow tomatoes to stay inside for a little longer than cucumbers. Cucumbers can be transplanted sooner. But this won’t have an impact on the growth of either tomatoes or cucumbers. 

Even if planted at different times, they won’t disturb one another. Tomatoes and cucumbers also go well together as dishes. So this is another great combination. 

Planting tomatoes and cucumbers together is also great for practical reasons. The plants of both will eventually grow to be pretty tall. So will need to be supported by trellises or cages. By planting them next to each other, you will be able to use one larger piece of trellis or one larger cage. This will keep your vegetable garden much more organized. And so much healthier and more aesthetically pleasing.

Are banana peels good for tomato plants?

Banana peels are excellent for tomato plants. This is because of their high potassium content. It is also because banana peels do not contain nitrogen. Nitrogen is necessary for plants. But they will suffer if exposed to too much. Using banana peels will allow you to balance out the compost more. And you will be more in control of the nutrients that you are adding to your soil.

Banana peels also contain sodium which helps water flow between cells. So the tomato plant will be able to absorb water better. They also contain calcium which can help to prevent blossom end rot. This is, as the name suggests, when the bottom of the tomato begins to rot while still on the plant. There is also manganese in banana peels. This can help with photosynthesis. 

So, overall, banana peels are excellent for tomato plants. Make sure to add them to your compost regularly. Or even bury them straight into the soil.