If you are looking to create a pond in your garden, there are a number of things that you will need to take into consideration.
Putting aside things such as the fish you are planning to place in the pond, and the ornaments you want to purchase, there is something else need to consider first.
The first aspect of creating a pond is where it should be placed in your yard. This is one of the most important things you should consider, and it is very important to get this correct.
While in theory you can place a pond in any area of a yard, some areas can have a negative impact on the pond as a whole.
For example, you will want to avoid placing the pond in complete shade. While you may assume that a pond would fare better in the shade, this has a negative impact on the pond over time. This is due to a number of factors.
The main reason being that the pond needs sunlight, especially as it will be home to pond plants. As you may already know, plants rely on photosynthesis in order to survive, and they can only photosynthesize using sunlight.
As a result, if they do not have access to sunlight, this means that they are unable to grow and will likely die. Plants are such an important aspect to a pond because they oxygenate the water.
Plants, along with waterfalls that break up the surface of the water to allow the pond to become oxygenated, are essential. Without these aspects the pond will not receive sufficient oxygen. This will cause the pond to become stagnant, and can cause any fish in the pond to die.
This is why it is important for the pond to receive sunlight, even if this is only partial sunlight throughout the day. Partial sunlight is far better than no sunlight at all.
Some pond owners prefer to place a pond in an area where it is accessed by the sun for a number of hours a day and then is in the shade. This is because of algae.
While it is always suggested placing a pond in direct sunlight, this will encourage the growth of algae. While the majority of green algae is harmless to the fish and the quality of the water, it does not look pleasant.
This is why some people will place the pond in partial sunlight to help limit this.However, algae is fairly easy to keep on top of. But, the algae will be significantly reduced if the pond is not consistently in sunlight. This is because the sunlight causes it to multiply far quicker.
In addition to this, if you place your pond in sunlight rather than in the shade, you are going to have a wider variety of wildlife visiting the pond as they prefer ponds that are in sunlight over ponds that are stagnant and are in the shade.
Do fish ponds need sunlight?
Yes, as we have already discussed, fish ponds do need sunlight. Sunlight is essential for a fish pond, especially for the pond plants. Without the sunlight available they will lack photosynthesis, and as a consequence will die.
The pond plants are so important for increasing the amount of oxygen in the pond water. Without the correct amount of sunlight, the water will quickly become stagnant, and the fish and other wildlife that are using the pond are unlikely to survive.
The amount of sunlight the pond needs can vary depending on the types of plants you have in the pond.
For example, if you are looking to have water lilies, these require as much sunlight as possible. If they do not have enough sunlight, this will stunt their growth, and you will not receive the results you desire.
As we have explained above, the longer the pond has access to sunlight, the more algae will be produced. You will need to take this into consideration when designing the pond.
While the algae will be harmless, it does not look overly attractive, and the majority of people will choose to remove it. Ideally, you will want to place your pond in a position where it receives a good amount of sunlight per day, at least 6 hours.
If it is partially in the shade, this is better than it being in complete shade.
In fact, having a few hours of shade per day can be beneficial for the pond, especially if you are looking to purchase pond goldfish. These fish enjoy hiding from the sunlight throughout the day, and do feel comfortable when they have access to the more shaded areas.
However, ultimately, the amount of time the fish pond will need sunlight is all dependent on what sort of plants and wildlife you are planning to keep in the pond.
This is because the recommendations will vary depending on this. This is why you should always look into this before deciding where to place the pond.
Unlike an aquarium that can be moved fairly easily if needed, a pond cannot be easily moved. This is why it is important to place it correctly to begin with.
In addition to sunlight, a pond will benefit from pond plants to help oxygenate the water. Ponds also benefit from small waterfalls, and ornaments that break through the surface of the water. This ensures that the pond remains aerated and stops it from becoming stagnant.
Where possible, you will want to purchase a pond filter and pump, especially if you are planning to keep fish. Not only will this help to keep the fish alive, but it allows the cleaning process to be easier too.
It is important that ponds are cleaned regularly, and that the water levels are checked for ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite. These chemicals can cause problems with the water in the pond over time, especially if the pond is stagnant and in the shade.