Several species of deer are renowned garden pests. Often deer will eat just about anything in sight, vegetables included, and this can have detrimental effects on the vegetable garden that you have spent so long creating. Because of this, you may be looking for ways to protect your vegetable garden so that it does not become a target of deer in search of something to feast on.
Deer are most likely to visit your garden between dusk and dawn. You will also find that the eating habits of deer can differ between herds. For this reason, you will need to be patient when trying to manage the presence of them in your garden. A method that is effective in deterring one species may be less effective with another.
One of the most effective ways of deterring deer is by adding netting or fencing. It must be robustly constructed so that it can withstand adverse weather conditions without breaking. Also remember that some deer will be able to squeeze themselves through smaller gaps, and if the fencing isn’t tall enough, they may even be able to jump over it.
If you are experiencing a severe issue with deer, you may wish to add a second fence a short distance away from the first one. This is likely to make them feel rather unnerved because they typically do not like to jump into an enclosed space.
Another option is to use a repellent. Upon smelling this repellent the deer are likely to be discouraged from wandering any further into your garden. This is going to be most effective in targeting a smaller herd of deer and you may find that as they become accustomed to the scent they are no longer deterred by it. Some things to try are fabric softener or blood meal.
Noise tends to deter deer. For this reason, you can use noise to keep them away from your garden. Examples of noise deterrents include whistles, radios, and electric wires. You may choose to place a radio near your vegetable garden or use a whistle as soon as you see them arrive. This noise is likely to spook the deer, preventing them from coming any closer.
For some people, motion-activated lights or sprinklers may prove to be effective. As implied, these devices work when they detect motion. The sudden illumination or sharp burst of water is likely to scare the deer and send them on their way.
If you are going to try using a motion-activated sprinkler, depending on the size of your garden, you may require more than one. The effectiveness of this method is also going to depend on the weather. In the winter, the water in the sprinklers is likely to freeze over.
There are certain varieties of plants that deer do not seem to like. As such, you may choose to plant some around your vegetable garden. Generally, they tend to be deterred by plants with strong aromas, prickles, or a leathery texture.
The type of food that deer eat and the volume in which they consume it can differ between seasons. When they are particularly hungry they are likely to eat anything that they can find. In seasons where they do not eat as much, they are going to be fussier about what they do and don’t eat.
Deer tend to be cautious of predators and particularly wary of dogs. This is when your canine companion will come in handy if you have one. As soon as the deer hears the sound of a bark, or even smells hints of a dog, they are likely to flee from your garden.
Will garlic keep deer out of garden?
Planting garlic is one of the easiest ways to stop deer from sabotaging your vegetable garden. As deer tend to be intolerant to strong smells, planting garlic around your vegetables is likely to prove successful in keeping them away. It is highly unlikely that deer will try and eat this garlic unless they are extremely hungry, in which case, they may.
There is little evidence to confirm the effectiveness of using garlic as a deer deterrent, however, it is worth trying, if they are becoming increasingly problematic in your garden.
Garlic is a hardy plant that copes well in virtually any soil. Ideally, it should be planted somewhere where it will have access to sunlight. After purchasing the garlic, you can separate it into cloves and insert it into the ground close to the vegetable plants.
Aside from planting the garlic directly into the soil, it can be used in multiple ways and it will remain effective in deterring the deer. The first option is to combine the garlic with some pepper and minced onion. Add a drop of dish soap and then mix.
Once the mixture has developed a smooth consistency, add some hot water. Pour this mixture into a watering can. If you don’t have one, you can use a bucket instead. Don’t use it straight away as you must give it time to settle for it to be the most effective. Once two days have passed, it is ready to use. Take the solution and then pour it into a spray bottle.
Again, if you don’t have one available you can disperse it whilst it is in the can. Spray the solution onto any plants that surround your vegetables, targeting their leaves and base.
You can also make another type of garlic spray that can be made using mineral oil. Soak some garlic in this oil before adding it to a container with some water and fish emulsion fertilizer. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray onto the leaves and base of the plants.
For some this spray may be a little more difficult to make if you don’t possess any fish emulsion fertilizer. If this is the case, you may find it easier to create the first spray if you have all of the ingredients.