What are the Hardiest Perennials?

When it comes to keeping a garden it is likely that you will want a good range of flowers, some of which may include some hardy perennials.

Hardy perennials, in case you didn’t know, are wonderful flowers that come up each year for a number of years and can survive tough conditions such as low temperatures in the winter.

So, “what flowers are the hardiest of perennials?”, we hear you ask. Keep on reading to find out our list of 10 of the hardiest perennials for your garden…

Japanese Windflower

The Japanese windflower, also known as the Japanese anemone or fall anemone is a great choice for those gardeners looking for something colorful and hardy to keep coming back each year.

They are well accustomed to shaded areas in your garden, meaning they will do well in a garden that gets a little less sun. They tend to grow buds in the late summer and then bloom in the fall.

These flowers are usually white or pink. Ensure you cut them down to the base when they have died down and then they will return again next year.


Coneflowers are an excellent choice for your garden if you are after something striking that will come back year after year. They are also commonly known by their Latin name echinacea purpurea.

Because of their bright colors and attractive pollen that is easy to access, these hardy perennials are great at attracting pollinators and birds to your garden.

They are super resistant to heat and doughnuts and come in a number of different colors such as pink, red, orange, and yellow. You can even get some that are chartreuse!

Bleeding Hearts

Bleeding hearts are very striking flowers that will look beautiful in all gardens. They are on this list because of their ability to adapt well depending on where in the world they are planted.

In warmer climates, these flowers will adapt well to shaded areas, whereas if they are planted in a northern, cooler climate, they can thrive in the sun.

Cut them when the remaining plant has gone yellow or brown. You can then be sure that it will grow back stronger than ever the next year! In terms of color, these are usually pink and white, or sometimes just completely white.


These tall beauties have long been a feature of countryside cottage gardens, and it is easy to see why. They can be many different colors, meaning you can choose one that suits your garden best, or choose a variety of them.

They grow very tall, and so add some height and dimension to your garden. They are pretty short-lived, but as a perennial, they come back each year and are hardy even in cold zones (between 3-8).

The only thing you should bear in mind is the fact they need protection from strong winds since they are so tall.


Hydrangeas are a very popular flower for the garden, and because of their bright and showy flowers, they are much-desired for gardens. As it turns out, they are generally very hardy plants, and better still, they are perennials!

There are many different varieties of hydrangeas, and their exact hardiness will depend on the variety you buy. Generally, they need to be protected in super cold areas but can deal with zones between 4 and 8, provided the winters aren’t too harsh.

Place them in an area that gets some sun, such as on a border, and you should get the best results. They also do well for household arrangements so you can pick a few of them when they have bloomed and display them proudly in a vase or on a wreath.


The salvia is yet another tall plant, and this one just so happens to be adored by bees and other pollinators.

Salvia is a very hardy plant and grows back year after year. The reason for this is because it is drought resistant.

It is also a great choice for a beginner gardener as it is relatively low maintenance and easy to grow.

Black-Eyed Susan

Black-Eyed Susan, also known as rudbeckia, is super easy to grow and seems to adapt well to most environments. This makes it a very hardy plant, and you can always rely on it to come back again next year.

It also flowers for many months, usually right through the summer and well into the fall months, the best zones for this plant are between zone 3 and 9. Just remember to keep an eye on this plant as it can quickly take over your whole garden!


These gorgeous tall flowers have what look like feathery and frilly ferns on top of them. They are pleasing to look at.

Astilbe can come in a variety of colors to suit all gardens from bright pink to ruby red and even pale white. They cope very well in the shade (in fact, they prefer it) and can cope with zones 4 to 9.


Dianthus is also known by a second name, ASweet William. It is a very beautiful flower that is quite unique in terms of appearance.

The variety of Dianthus that we want to bring your attention to is the ‘cold-hardy dianthus’. This can cope in cold zones between 3 to 10!

There is one that is less hardy, known as a tender perennial, but this actually becomes annual in colder zones.

These flowers are usually white and magenta in color, and you can expect them to grow larger each year!

Lily of the Valley

As delicate as the Lily of the Valley is (reportedly a favorite flower of the Royals!), this gorgeous white flower is actually impressively hardy!

It does well in shaded areas, and it grows wildly on river banks and even under large trees. You can expect it to grow well in cold zones between 2 and 9. The flowers are delicate and pretty, and usually always white in color.