To stop squirrels digging in your flower pots, you will need to mix something in the soil that squirrels don’t like. Adding this to the soil, especially if it has a strong smell or taste, will put squirrels off, leaving your flower pots in peace!
You can use natural ingredients that are unlikely to harm your flowers or squirrels (be sure to check before using, though). Popular options include peppermint oil, garlic, crushed red pepper, vinegar, or cayenne pepper.
You can add these crushed to the soil so that the squirrel encounters it and leaves, or you can combine one or two of these with some water to create a spray.
You can then spray your flower pots and the surrounding area if you wish. The smell will deter squirrels from going near your flower pots and should send them on their way! You could even add the crushed ingredients and use a spray if you wanted! As long as the squirrel can smell or taste it, they should keep away from your flower pots.
You can also mothball to keep squirrels out of your flower pots. They can be a nuisance for squirrels, and they tend to avoid them. Place them by your plants or near areas where you think squirrels are entering your garden and flowerpots. You will need to replace them every few weeks when the smell starts to fade.
To keep squirrels out of your flower pots, you can also fit a screen or wire mesh around the pots. These will stop squirrels from gaining access and save your plants! Alternatively, you can cover the dirt around your plants with sticky tape or stones. These won’t harm the squirrels or your plants but should irritate them or put them off your plants.
You could also consider planting flowers or plants in your pots that naturally deter squirrels. Daffodils, Alliums, Galanthus, Geraniums, and Hyacinth are some of the best ones to use. They can also deter deer and rabbits too, keeping your flowers safe!
How do I keep squirrels from digging in my mulch?
To keep squirrels from digging in your mulch, you can try using a different type of mulch that is less appealing to them. Decorative rock limits squirrel disturbances and can be easily racked back together should you have some critters digging.
Landscaping glass is another option you could consider. It comes in different shapes and sizes, and many people find it adds to their garden and makes it more appealing.
If you don’t want to change your mulch, consider adding a barrier or fence. Chicken or mesh wire that has openings an inch or smaller should stop squirrels from entering.
You should build this fence fairly high (24-inches at least) and bury it a few inches underground, too, preventing digging or sneaking through any gaps. Add a gate so that you can access the mulch easily, but make sure there are no holes or gaps for squirrels to enter.
Peppermint, cayenne pepper, and other spices can be used crushed or as a spray mixed with water to keep squirrels away from your mulch.
You can also add some scents that deter squirrels, as we mentioned earlier. Spray the area regularly to ensure the smell is strong and that it remains an effective repellent. You will need to reapply after rainy seasons to avoid the repellent from being ineffective.
You can also purchase repellents that will keep squirrels away from your mulch. These can be sprayed or placed in the mulch, depending on the type you buy. Be sure to check that they aren’t toxic to squirrels. While you don’t want them in your garden, you also don’t want to cause them harm and infect them with any toxic substances.
When using these repellents, check that they are safe to use on your mulch and that they won’t impact any animals you have.
How do you stop squirrels from eating your grass?
To stop squirrels from eating your grass, you should consider placing wire around the grass. Squirrels can dig up grass or try and eat newly planted grass seeds, ruining your lawn in the process. A fence of galvanized poultry wire or any fence around the grass can make it difficult for them to enter.
Ensure that there are no gaps in the wire or fence large enough for the squirrels to squeeze through. Gaps an inch or smaller are best! You can also use plastic netting if you wish to prevent squirrels from getting to your grass and eating it.
You could also lay a wire mesh over the soil too. When the squirrel tries to eat the grass or dig it, they will contact the mesh. It can be hard on their teeth if they bite into it and send them running. Ensure there are no sharp edges or spokes that could do serious damage to the squirrel, though!
Another option to consider is motion detector sprinklers. These will spring into action when a squirrel is near or on your grass. These will act as a deterrent and prevent them from returning, as well as keeping your grass well hydrated! The sudden burst of water can frighten them and send them running!
You should also consider your garden as a whole and make it as unappealing as possible for squirrels. Keeping rubbish bins, especially food waste, sealed and out of sight is a good idea. Regularly clean your garden and the bin area to remove any food smells and prevent squirrels from looking for food.
Also, avoid feeding squirrels or leaving bird feed out. This entices animals and will encourage them to return to your garden searching for food, usually causing a mess in the process! If you have animals, keep their food and treats inside, too, as squirrels aren’t fussy and will eat these!
You can also use some of the sprays we mentioned earlier, such as crushed cayenne pepper and water, to ward off squirrels and save your grass from them!