How Do You Clean A Green Swimming Pool?

So you’ve just uncovered your pool for a great day of swimming, but what’s this? The water, normally so clear and clean, is now cloudy and green! This issue is fairly common and can happen overnight, but what causes a green swimming pool? And how can you clean it?

Don’t worry - a green pool isn’t the end of the world. In this article, you’ll be able to learn the causes of a green swimming pool, how to clean it, and what to do to prevent it. So let’s get started!

Why Is My Swimming Pool Green?

To know how to clean a green swimming pool, we first need to understand why the water is green to begin with. There are a few different reasons why your pool might have turned green.

The first possibility (and also the most likely) is the presence of algae in the water. This typically happens when a pool isn’t properly maintained and the chlorine levels drop below what they need to be. This is especially common during summer, where hot weather causes algae to bloom at a much greater rate than colder months.

You can tell if your pool is green because of algae if the water is cloudy due to free-floating algae, or if there are patches of green on the walls where algae has built up.

Another cause of green water is a buildup of pollen. If you live near pollinating trees and flowers, this can blow into the pool and turn it yellowish-green. Typically, the pollen will be too small to be filtered out and will continue to build up in your pool.

Most causes of a green pool will be linked to either the filter or the chemicals. Low levels of chlorine can lead to several issues, including the growth of algae. If you’re experiencing green or cloudy water it’s important to check the levels of chemicals in your pool.

How To Clean A Green Swimming Pool

Don’t worry if your swimming pool is green - there is a simple and easy method to turn your water back to clear and sparkling.

The first thing you need to do is clear out any visible debris. If there are any floating sticks, leaves, etc. you can scoop these out with a net. For smaller particles and clumps of algae, a skimmer will be able to pick these out. This may disturb the water and make it look more cloudy, but this is only temporary and should settle down quickly.

You should also try and find the cause of the green water if possible. Again, algae is the most likely culprit, but if the water is more on the yellow side and you live near a load of pollinating trees this might be the cause. If you’re unsure, consider taking a sample of the water to a local pool store.

From there, test the water to see its pH and chlorine levels. The pH of your water should ideally be between 7.2 - 7.6, to keep the acidity high enough to prevent algae while not being too high as to cause skin irritation.

Now you need to shock the pool. Before doing so, it’s a good idea to clean your pool filter, as it will be hard to do so while the pool is being treated. Add the appropriate amount of chlorine as advised in the instructions of your product.

If your pool is on the dirtier side or if the water is a deep green color, it’s better to err on the side of more chlorine. It’s better to add more chlorine than not enough, as too little chlorine in your shock treatment won’t get rid of the algae.

You can also add an algaecide to your shock treatment, as this will make it easier to kill the algae and break it down to be filtered.

After shocking your pool, you’ll need to leave the filter running to clear out the dirty water. Your filter should be clean before doing this to make sure it’s working properly. Leave the pump running all day, backwashing 2-4 times a day. Don’t be afraid to leave the filter running for longer, and add more chlorine if the water stays green and cloudy.

Check your water regularly. At first, it should go cloudy, but the water will be back to normal when it turns completely clear. If the water stays green or cloudy, add more chlorine and keep the filter running. If the issue persists, there may be an issue with your filter.

How To Prevent My Pool From Getting Green

Now you know how to clean your green pool, you should know how to prevent the issue from reoccurring.

The best way to prevent green water is to make sure you’re regularly maintaining your pool. Always make sure to keep your pool clear and that there is enough chlorine in the water. Having the correct level of chlorine will stop algae and other dirt from building up and make sure your pool stays pristine.

You should also make sure that the filter stays clean and clear, as poor water circulation will let dirt and algae build up if not fixed.

Another thing to do is to check the pool’s pH regularly. Keep the pH between 7.2-7.6 to make sure that your pool stays clear without causing any rashes or irritation from chemicals.

How Often Do I Need To Maintain My Pool?

You should maintain and clean your pool regularly to prevent dirt and algae. You should also perform extra maintenance at your pool anytime you notice an increase in dirt or a change to the water’s color or clarity. This is a sure sign that something isn’t working as it should.

You should also clean your filter regularly according to which type you have to ensure the water is being circulated and filtered properly.

Don’t forget to check pH and Chlorine levels regularly, several times a week.

Final Thoughts

With proper maintenance and care, your pool will stay clear and sparkling throughout the entire year. But if you ever have an issue with a green pool, now you know how to get the water back to normal. Just follow this guide and your pool will serve you well for years to come. Enjoy your swim!